Me and a friend - who also happens to be a fellow cocktail enthusiast - host a a semi regular (meaning, whenever the mood strikes us) pop-up cocktail hour. We call it book club. We work out a theme based on our guests (our first Book Club guests were all from the video game industry so our theme was sci-fi), choose a book (
The Player of Games by Iain Banks) and then design a cocktail that ties it all together. In this instance we designed a particularly delicious cocktail called The Limiting Factor (which also happens to be the name of a spacecraft in the book). Its more of a cold weather cocktail - but it was particularly dreary in LA last weekend.
2 oz Balvenie 12 year sherry cask
.25 oz honey water
fresh squeezed half lemon
dash orange bitters
dash toasted pecan bitters
egg white
Shake vigorously and serve up.