Tequila. The mere mention of this spirit may cause a chill to run down your spine; the flashback to a college drinking evening gone horribly wrong still burned in the deep recesses of your mind. Having spent my formative years at San Diego State University (a mere 35 minutes from downtown Tijuana) my taste buds were scarred from shooting inferior tequila (paint thinner possibly??). It took a long and arduous rehab process, but I am better now and happy to say, very much enjoying just how very good tequila can be.
The 212 |
The 212 (From the PDT cocktail book)
Start with 2 oz of reposado tequila in a shaker with ice. I prefer La Cofradia or Corralejo, but feel free to experiment with any 100% Agave reposado tequila. Add 1 oz Aperol and 2 oz of pink grapefruit juice. Shake and strain over fresh ice; garnish with an orange twist.